Our new chosen icon for our ministry.
Under His Wings
(In the Shadow of His Wings)
Psalms 91:1-7
Beginning last month, we decided to use this picture of an eagle with wings outspread and the American flag flowing from them, as a cover page for our devotion and an icon for our ministry. The idea of this picture is to remind those who see it, as long as Christian Americans keep their eyes on God as we soar into unknown heights in His service, we are protected, “under His wings”, or “under the shadow of the almighty”.
In the past, we have tried others, but they did not work out. We decided to go with this design for two reasons. First, it is said the eagle was used as a national emblem because, at one of the first battles of the Revolution(which occurred early in the morning) the noise of the struggle awoke the sleeping eagles on the heights and they flew from their nests and circled about over the heads of the fighting men, all the while giving vent to their raucous cries. "They are shrieking for Freedom," said the patriots.
Although there are certain characteristics the eagle has which makes him somewhat less than appealing as a choice national symbol, there is something about the eagle that uplifts the human heart. Like our nation itself, for all it’s faults, our eagle can attain the highest heights and rest there unafraid and unblinded by the sun. He carries our vision and our ideas into the loftiest blue. So let the eagle scream.
Our second reason has to do with our scripture reference in Psalms. When we as Christ-ians put forth our daily efforts(as we should) to be a shining light for Christ, we can always be guaranteed Satan will use every available opportunity to hurt our witness and discourage our hearts and efforts. When you see our eagle icon, we pray it will be a reminder to seek shelter Under His Wings and remember the verses of Psalms 91:1-7.
Through the Lord, and upon His leading, we started this devotion to encourage others(and prayerfully continue to do so). Several months into it’s distribution, we found the need to encourage Christians to be and do all they could to help restore a faith and love in our nation and God. We are in our third year with this and we are no less burdened with this goal. Considering this is an enormous task(humanly speaking)I know we can and will get tired in our daily efforts. When we see this need to relax, may we remember we can find rest “under the shadow of the Almighty.” He is our refuge and fortress, in Him we should trust. He will deliver us from the traps of the devil and his evil ways. When we seek shelter under His wings, He will protect us.
We will not be afraid of the terror at night, nor of any harm in the day. We will have no need to fear any evil that walks in the dark, nor things that destroy at noon. A thousand things can fall in our path, but we will be protected, “Under His Wings.”
In Christ, Stephanie Black
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