Saturday, April 17, 2010
Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come."
Proverbs 31:25
'The honor in her soul and the strength in her body give her assurance as she faces an unknown future. Her mental attitude, along with her mental stability, equips her for whatever unseen events may come into her life. Rather than dreading what might happen in time to come, she looks ahead in time to come, she looks with joy and rejoicing. Making good use of today prepares her for the challenge of tomorrow'. The above words were written(
"Walking in Wisdom") as a particular author's(
a Christian author) idea of what the Proverb's 31:25 verse means. As I read this interpretation, I felt it hit me hard. I know a lot of women who read this description of the Proverbs 31 Lady can very easily feel overwhelmed when they look at the big picture. She is a lot to measure up to. However, all of this
is what she has accomplished in her entire lifetime, and God does not expect us to be perfect. He
only expects us to do our best in our attitude and actions. This alone can go a long way
when we are trying to master all this so called "Proverbs 31 Superwoman" so many allow themselves to feel inferior to. She is no one we as women should be afraid of.
In fact, for all of those who think we Christian women have a Bible that tells us we are to be ignorant, submissive, disrespected doormats for men to walk on, this verse is just one of many that tells us the exact opposite.
As the verse implies, God expects us to be women of
honor- A woman of integrity. A woman of strong moral character or strength, and who adheres to ethical principles. A women who has earned great respect and admiration in ways of righteousness. God expects us to be strong mentally, physically(
He wants us to properly take care of our bodies so we are healthy and not weak), and emotionally. God meant for women to strong and capable so that they might be the proper help meet
for their husbands or future husbands.
I know there may be some who will read this and have no interest in what I am talking about.
That's fine. I am posting this for those who are interested in giving God their insecurities and being the women God wants them to be. I know you are out there and through the Lord, I want to help. I know how miserable our insecurities can make us at times and it is time we got rid of them.
If you are reading this and you happen to be a single mom, God knows you may need extra
special attention from Him and He is no less interested in you than me because of your circumstances. If you sincerely have a heart that genuinely wants to please and serve Him, He knows and can take it from there if you will just give it to Him.
As I said in yesterdays post, I have struggled all my life with insecurities and only by Gods intervention I am only now beginning to see the insecurities leave and the healing begin. For the
first time in my life, I am slowly beginning to feel I am the confident competent help meet to my precious husband I have always wanted to be. With Gods help I am slowly becoming the confident self assured mom I have always wanted to be to my kids. It is not healing that is taking place overnight. It is taking time, but the results in change that I am seeing daily are definitely encouraging and I love that I am slowly becoming the woman God wants me to be.
Ladies, moms, you can too.
There are many areas in my life I have to work on. I know when we have our insecurities, they can effect so many areas of our lives. To this day I have been known to not hold myself together very well in different emergency situations. This means I am of no use to anyone else who may need help. To this day I have not felt capable of making any wise financial decisions, if I should need to. There are other things I am too insecure to do that could make a wonderful difference in my life if I could only get over some of my fears. Yours may be different and of course affect your life differently.
I have much to learn in making more progress, but through much prayer and God's daily guidance I will make it. But please, I encourage you -
In Christ,
To Be Continued