Monday, April 19, 2010
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies".
Proverbs 31:10
In the day this was written in the book of Proverbs, the ruby was considered the most valuable gem, to man.
With this in mind, I want to look at the word..... virtuous- the meaning.........
1.with moral integrity: having or showing moral goodness or righteousness
2. chaste: not having sexual intercourse with anyone except a partner in
marriage, especially a husband.
Now let's look at the word, "respect"-state of being admired.
For anyone interested, I did not get this meaning from any particular Christian dictionary. This was from the dictionary from my computer. As far as I'm concerned, when we look at the meaning of these words "virtuous" and "respect", they obviously go hand in hand. When a woman lives a virtuous life, she can't help but gain respect. I am sure there are many women who may be shouting at me now, in anger. However, I will say, I will have nothing to apologize for when I am through.
My husband and I have been blessed with five healthy children. Four boys and one girl. With the Lords help, we are doing our best to teach our sons to respect our daughter, their sister, and we are teaching our daughter to respect our sons, her brothers. Since we were married almost 22
yrs ago, my husband has always done his best to treat me with respect and I with him(Ephesians 5:25, Titus 2:4). We know the world is not going to teach our kids that God meant for husbands and wives to love and respect each other, therefore mom and dad must be living examples of this. We know if our sons are to grow up respecting women, it will be of great help if they see their dad treating me their mom, with respect. And therefore we expect the same in the treatment of their sister. We furthermore know if our daughter is to understand how she is to treat a future husband, I as her mother, must show her dad respect, and we expect the same of her in showing respect to her dad and brothers.
Now I know there are a lot of men out there who do not act in a way that deserves respect and the same can be said about many women. To this I simply say, to end this vicious cycle, we must
stop where we are, and focus on our own hearts. We must ask the Lord to help us act in a way that deserves respect and find it in our hearts to show others respect even if when they do not deserve it. I know for a fact this can be hard, but I also know that sometimes, if we began showing someone respect, it can produce action in that person that deserves respect.
Much, much more could be said here and with many of our post geared toward Mothers day, I know there will be many who will have no interest in what I have to say. Because of the very
poor treatment(unrighteous living), and this is sometimes putting it mildly, of men with women, there is a lot of bitterness in the hearts of women toward men. This has led to more unrighteous living among the female gender. Unfortunately, it has also lead to very negative behavior of a generation in which these used and abused women had much influence, both male and female.
Through Satan's many sources, many people have been hurt mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Many lives have been in turmoil and homes have been destroyed, all because
men and women have lost respect for each other.
If you are one that needs to have the bitterness and hatred replaced by the healing love, peace and joy that only Jesus can provide, I encourage you to seek Him today and ask that He touch you and heal you like no one else can. He is waiting for you with opened arms.
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