Friday, April 16th, 2010
"Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come."
Proverbs 31:25
What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses? As women and as mothers, I know we all have them. Some, more than others, and some to a greater extent than others. I am not using this post to point fingers and or tell anyone to get their act together. Instead I am using this post to be very honest and out front about myself, in hopes of helping other ladies who are in the same boat with me.
This is a difficult post for me to write because I know I am exposing my heart to complete strangers, and some who know me, but have never known the pain I have experienced in my
entire life, all from being very insecure with my self. To know me today, no one would ever know I have been a person of low self esteem and little self confidence.
As I said before, I am daring to open myself to the total strangers who will read this, all because I have only recently had my own eyes open to how Satan has used my fears to hold me back from doing things I could do, and being things I could be. The Lord has shown me how I have allowed the devil to use my insecurities to keep me from growing into the beautiful Christian lady He wants me to be. I know there are many who will read this and whether they will admit it or not, they have or have had the same problem.
Ladies, especially moms- I encourage you today to claim the power of Jesus Christ, and by His guidance, love, and grace you can claim victory over Satan and your insecurities.
But, this can only be done if first, we know Him as our Savior. And then second, it can only happen if we have faith that he can take our fears away.
Once again let me say, men have their insecurities also, but for now I am talking to the mama's or the future mama wanna be's. Raising kids responsibly in todays world is tough enough. But when we are insecure ourselves, it can be difficult to be the self assured confident parent that we need to be when making the many, daily decisions that comes with proper parenting.
I have been a proud mama for 19 years and am now a proud mama of five. I cannot count the times it would have been wonderful to have the confident judgment ability I needed for the countless opportunities for the right discipline, for the right time, for the right child. And this is just the beginning of the many different times being a more self confident mom would have made a difference for me.
I have spent a lifetime second guessing my self and needing confirmation on my actions from one person or another. I have rarely felt comforterable in a leaders position and usually do quite well as a follower. We must be careful here. I want to make it clear, it is not good to have a low opinion of ourselves nor is it good to think our selves superior to others. Can we say the word "humble"? Finding a happy medium is where we need to be. More to come later. Meanwhile,
for those who need to, put forth an effort in saying goodbye to those insecurities.
In Christ,
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