Monday, April 10th, 2010
She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household [are] clothed with scarlet".
Proverbs 31:21
The winter storms do not catch her unprepared. She has with her own hands fashioned warm clothing for each member of her family. Wise woman that she is,she looks ahead and does what is necessary to protect her household from the elements. The blowing snow is no threat to her family.They are warm and comfortable even in the harshest weather.
"Walking in Wisdom" by Dr. Raymond My Own Words
This is another tough one for me. The winter storms do not catch me unprepared, but it's not because I've spent hours knitting, sewing, crocheting, or whatever, a soft warm whatever, for
who ever. If they still do it, you'll not see me entering any quilt or anything else in any contest anywhere, because I don't know how.
Before you get the wrong idea, I am just being honest about myself with this verse. I don't think it's a good thing that I and many other women, probably couldn't make a soft warm blanket, a beautiful hand made quilt, some exquisite hand embroidered pillow cases, lovingly knit a nice sweater for a special someone, if our life depended on it.
I know there are many people who may say, "why should we worry about being able to do this,
if someone can do it for us, and we can always buy these items in a store already made and for less than we can make them ourselves"? I agree with all of this. I am a "Proverbs Lady" wanna be myself and my husband is a Christian man who is all for my efforts in becoming this woman the best I can. But for the reasons above, he has not rushed out and bought me "ANY" of the necessities to hand make anything. In his defense, about a year or two ago, I think it was our anniversary, we went to a local retail store that had a pretty decent craft department. Because I wanted it, he bought me a knitting kit, a crocheting kit, a cake decorating kit, a painting kit(for painting designs on clothes) and some other items. I have yet to seriously use any of them. I'll admit, it's only my fault. Mean while, from a dear aunt, I have since inherited many of her sewing supplies. She moved and ageing, she doesn't sew like she used to and chose to give many of her items to me. This stuff included a decent amount of material and I have yet to make anything. And I do have a working sewing machine.
For those like me, who would like to, but haven't, I think the problem is lack of motivation. A "why". A reason to. I think our first "reason to" would be right here in our verse. Our Lord had
King Lemuel to write this last chapter in Proverbs as a guide for us ladies, as how He wanted us to take care of our selves, homes and families. In other words, as Christian ladies, if we have not already been taught, which most of us have not, I think God expects us to learn if given the opportunity. Once again, we could say,"why, what does it matter if we can make this or if we can sew that, as long as our family has what they need"? I believe it is a matter of our testimony or witness for the Lord. Any thing we ladies can do to show our love and care for our home and family and our Lord, it say's something for us, our families, our homes, and our love for our
Lord. If you are like me, you will need some guidance in learning. This can be achieved different ways. We can go to our computer and get instruction there. I have found "google" to be very helpful. If you know of an an older or younger lady that can help give you one on one hands on instruction, that would be wonderful. Some people are better learners when it is hands on.
You can also go to a library and find many helpful books with helpful instruction. And one last option, you can find different kits from beginners to experienced, in some homeschooling catalogs. Some of these web addresses are listed at the end of this post. I can't say I agree with everything they sell, but, you might find alot of their products helpful.
The best thing we can do would be to pray about it. Ask God if He wants us to do a better job
in this department, to please speak to our hearts and open the doors of opportunity for us. I know if it is important for us, He will.
If you are an older lady, a 'Titus 2' Woman, and you have the knowledge of how to do this, I pray you will open your heart will lend your guidance if needed and wanted, to some
"Proverbs Lady" wanna be. You might be surprised at the sweet friendship and fellowship that can develop in the process.
May God Bless
Try these websites: