Saturday, May 22, 2010
(In honor of Memorial Day I thought I would use this picture
for our Proverbs 31 Lady).
"Favour [is] deceitful, and beauty [is] vain: [but] a woman [that] feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates".
Proverbs 31:30,31
The virtuous woman trust not her good looks or her good works to gain favor with God. She anchors her faith in God and trust Him for her salvation. Praise is bestowed upon her because of her lifestyle. which is not a product of her good works but of her faith in the Lord. The key to her success is her love for God and her obedience to His commandments.
She is due "the fruit of her hands." She is worthy to be praised. She is deserving of the place she has earned among her fellow citizens. As a faithful wife and loving mother, she deserves the
recognition given her by her family and her friends. "Walking in Wisdom" Dr. Raymond Barber
My Own Words
Today is our last day with our Proverbs Lady and what a journey it has been. Today we look at these last two verses. This virtuous woman is wise enough she knows she cannot depend on her
good looks or her good works to save her soul. Her faith is in the Lord and His Blood atonement on the cross. Those that know her, know she is what and who she is, because of her love for her Lord and Savior and her desire to serve Him. Because of how she has lived and lives her life, she has gained, and rightly so, great respect and admiration from those who know and love her.
Now there are many women who might read this and laugh thinking this stuff is just simply too old fashion for today. After all there are way too many men who seem to not have a clue in how to respect and treat a lady. This has made many women angry and bitter toward the male
gender and from there it has exploded into alot of sinful lives in one way or another.
Because of numerous women who have been used and abused in many ways by men, there are very few ladies who have even a small interest in being this Proverbs Lady. You probably feel if
being this lady means being treated badly, you have no use for it. You may even be angry with God over your situation.
However, if things could be different, I'm sure there are those who would love to be this lady who loves her husband and family and it shows in all she does.
I have a challenge for you. There is a good chance if you were to begin doing your best to be this lady, even if you may not be in the perfect situation for it, God will see your efforts and bless them.
Depending on where you are at in your life, this may take more effort for some than for others.
It will not happen overnight. It will take time. Don't forget, this lady began when she was young and it took her entire life time to be an accomplished Lady. What is going to matter now is do you have the heart of a "Proverbs 31 Lady"?Having the heart or desire from the start, can take us a long way. This is where it must start. If you feel you are haveing trouble finding the heart for this, remember, seek the Lord and He can give it to you. Without Him we are nothing. Some people want to clean their life up before allowing Him to take over. It will never work this way. You must let Him come in first and then He will help you do it. You must confess you need Him and then through Him "all things are possible".
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
For those who would like to begin their Proverbs 31 Lady, please remember this words.
First, make sure you know the Lord. Second, you must love and respect yourself before you can
show this to others. And third, even for those who have not earned your respect, may may be surprised at how things can turn around by showing love and respect to those who are most undeserving. As I have said before, I am still a work in progress myself. My love for my Lord and family and serving Him and them, are what keep me going.
May God bless you in your efforts.
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