Tuesday, May 18, 2010
"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness".
Proverbs 31:27
The word idleness is not in her vocabulary. She uses her time wisely, counting each moment as precious. While others languish in leisure, she labors in love. No accusing fingers can be pointed at her. she rises to the occasion and stays until the task is done. Occupying her time with worthwhile
projects, she is never bored!
Oh ladies! This one can really step on our toes. Do we have idle time on our hands? Do we waste time watching something we shouldn't watch or listening to something we shouldn't listen to? Do we use our valuable time in gossiping about someone? If so, it may be you they are gossiping about when your not around? I have spent valuable time watching a soap opera before and for what? It's not even real, too often it encourages all that is wrong, and when the hour is up, what
good was accomplished? What's more is my kids were around and I know it was not good for them to see what they saw or hear the language they heard. I furthermore discovered my own life is much more interesting and satisfying than a lot of stuff we can find to watch.
I have recently prayed and asked God to help me reevaluate my time. I felt I just wasn't using it
as I could and I was not happy about it. We all have 24 hours and what was I doing with mine? I asked God to please show me what I could do differently. That was over a week ago, and the change in how much more I am accomplishing is amazing. I give God all the glory and ask that He continue to help me, praise the Lord.
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