Monday, May 17th, 2010
"She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness".
Proverbs 31:26
Before opening her mouth to speak, she makes certain her brain is in gear. She speaks wisely, kindly and compassionately. No harsh expletives ever pass through her lips. She is not given to idle talk, and she weighs each word she speaks. The tone of her voice is pleasant, and the quality of speech is admirable. No loud screaming and no blistering words come from her "tongue...of kindness". ~ Dr. Raymond Barber
My Own Words
I have always struggled with this one. I have put my foot in my mouth more times than I wish to think about. I have allowed my tongue to wag many times before allowing my brain to be in gear first. I also know I'm not the only female who can say this about herself. God knew the female gender would have a problem in this area. That's why He allowed these words to be written in this chapter. If we are not careful, our mouth can hurt and offend and bring shame to the name of Christ. Ladies, this should not be our desire. We should want sweet and kind words to come out, not sour and hurtful. We should use our mouths to
build others up, not tear them down. If you have a mouth that doesn't know how to stop, I ask you to take it to the Lord and seek His help with this. I did and I thank the Lord for the progress He has help me to make. You can also "IF" you desire to. Being more careful of what comes out of our mouths, can make a big difference in our day and or someone elses' day and or life.
There is so much that can be said here. But, because I am working on keeping it short and sweet,
and putting my brain in gear before releasing my tongue, I will leave you with these words I personally try to keep in mind for myself.
"If there is ever a time people may be in doubt of your intelligence, do not open your mouth
and remove all doubt".
I wish you the best on this. All though I am getting better with it myself, I still literally struggle with it daily.
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