Tuesday, March 2nd , 2010
In the same place around the same time, we found a second egg, hooooraaaaay. Except this time, we "saw" our hen today sitting, or should we say "setting" in this same spot looking suspicious. She didn't appear to be just sitting for her own entertainment, so we thought another egg was probably on the way. John Paul ask if he could get the egg today, so here is. Benjamin ask if he could take this picture. Yes, I'm talking about our 31/2 yr old. I let him hold the camera,
then I helped him to focus and then I guided his
little finger and we snapped this picture. I thought he did good.
Then I took the one of John Paul holding the egg up close for me. Don't worry, unless one of us finds a super fantastic egg we feel just must be shown off on our blog, we won't be boring you with every egg we collect, lol.
Do you see the learning experiences presenting themselves here? We are learning about chickens and egg laying, "hands on", and Benjamin, our 31/2 yr old, is getting hands on learning with how a camera works. And these are just a few of the things they are learning.
Among many other reasons, the learning experiences was something I was attracted to when we began praying and praying some more about whether to home school or not. I knew I had much to learn myself, and I thought it would be wonderful to learn right along side of them.
Although I will say, they are doing a very good job of learning a lot and leaving me in the dust.
But, that's okay. I thank the Lord He has blessed them with their intelligence and I pray they will use it for for His service. I will catch up with them in time. I know with having a farm,the Lord will have plenty to teach us. Gotta go.
In Christ,
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