Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010
Since I posted the picture of our fist egg, I remembered I/we, have not explained some of our purpose with our blog.
As you know from our blog address, some of our reason for our blog is to share a little of the country life with you for those who enjoy that kind of thing. Over a year ago, Joseph and I were discussing how there is so much of the old ways our kids have no idea about. I'm talking about good educational stuff that one might mostly learn by being in the country. You know, hands on. We furthermore discovered we must decide to draw our own line of how far we want to go back. After doing some "research" via the internet, magazines, etc., I was made aware we could go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back and and be labeled "backwoodsmen". This would mean, no electricity at all, having and depending on a wood burning stove for a lot, growing and raising our own everything as far as what we eat, and I could go on, but I think you get the picture. This is tooooooo far for my husband and we do only have five acres and you only do so much with five acres anyway. So as of now, we've decided to just take our humble rural residence and our five acres and find a happy medium.
As I mentioned in our last post, this ordeal is taking alooooooot of prayer and then more prayer. I sometimes find myself praying for encouragement to continue with what we are doing.
Our first goal was to have a tractor. We've been living here for almost 22 yrs with no tractor. We finally got a tractor only about a year ago. That was a BIG answered pray. I never heard of anyone having a farm with out a tractor. So we got our tractor. As you can see in the picture, Matthew is the main driver of it, with Joshua in training. Next was to have chickens for meat and eggs, and we are sloooooooowly getting there. With the help of our tractor, we hope to have two spots (they have already been plowed twice)for a decent garden in a matter of months. We have other plans also, but as for now I must go. Our devotions, the Lord helps us put out our due this week so I must get to work on them if they are going anywhere. I do want to continue explaining what we are doing and why. As you know, we are concentrating on prayer and how it can be powerful if we would just use it. As I continue writing about our purpose with our future farm, I am excited to let you know how prayer has and will play a huge part in it coming together. I have to remember the verse, " I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me". Phil 4:13 I can get so discouraged with it at times. Did I mention I am sometimes impatient?
In Christ,