Friday, March 5th
As you may know, depending on how long you've been visiting our blog, I have mentioned our branch that runs across our land. And I've posted some pictures of it also. Well,
the weather is warming up nicely right now, so we got out yesterday and did some things.
First we had to get some hay(dead grass) and spread it in the appropriate places in our chicken
pen. We found two more eggs yesterday(you'll not hear me complaining), in the same spot and at the same time. This was a first for us. It looks like our hens are getting more serious with their egg laying so I thought we might need to accommodate them with better laying material in more places. The boys are "egg"cited over the hens now laying, and look forward daily to taking their turn to go look for eggs.
We are putting more thought into getting goats now, so I decided for us to walk around the area where we plan to put them. This means they will be fenced in around where the branches are. The pictures I had posted were of the first branch we come to on our land. Yesterday we crossed it and went to the second one. This is where I made these pictures. It was really pretty. I don't think these pictures do it justice. I made more, but it seemed my batteries wanted to run down
so some did not turn out. But we skipped a few rocks, and had a little fun. Boys and water, water and boys. They go together like peanut butter and jelly, Orieo's and milk, etc.
Just like with the chickens, we are now excited about goats. We have to get our fence up first, and from what I have heard, because they are related to deer, not just any fence will do. So we are having to carefully plan for the fence. They also must have some type of shelter for use when necessary, so we've got that to put up also.
It definitely takes much work to get a farm going and to keep it going, and I know we are just beginning to learn. But, that's one reason we have decided to start this whole thing. With the Lords help, the benefits will far out weigh the disadvantages.
Until later, keep visiting those prayer closets. I a sure you we will be visiting ours.
In Christ,
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