Monday, March 1st, 2010
For those who know from earlier post, "we have chickens"! What you didn't know, not that anybody cared, was I was very anxious for us to find the first egg one of our hens might lay.
Here it is! I found it about 4:15 this evening under a tree, in the pen, in some dead leaves. I was soooooo excited.
I was almost as excited as I have been over the last 19 yrs of my life, each time Joseph and I received the news of a new expected baby. For most of you who know me, you know this means I was thrilled. I know, it's just an egg. What can I say, so far I am liking our progress with our country/farm life vision. Now about our future gardening, goats, and cows. After much prayer and then more prayer, only time will tell. More on this in a coming post.
In Christ,
congrats on your first egg.