Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Proverbs Lady, Day 7

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

"She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms".
Proverbs 31:17

Good health is a priority for this lady. She takes care of her body in order to serve her husband and children better. Such wisdom in practical things sets her above the rank and file of women. She is truly a jewel. (from "Walking in Wisdom")
My Own Words
It does make it more difficult for us to properly serve and take care of our family if we are in poor health ourselves. I;m not just talking about not using and obusing our bodies with drugs.
It can even hinder us from being active with our kids or hubands, if we are overweight.
Taking care of our bodies through eating right and proper bodily exercise teaching our kids
healthy habits as well. If we are going to do a good job taking care of our family and home, we must take care of ourself first.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Proverbs 31 Lady, Day 6

Monday, April 26th, 2010

"She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard."
Proverbs 31:16

From the description given in this verse, one readily sees that the virtuous woman is a wise investor. Such transactions as considering a field and buying it add to the financial structure of the home. She aids her husband in adding to the family resources. As our writer of this chapter,
King Lemuel(some think this is another name for Solomon who's mother was Bathsheba, the one teaching him Proverbs 31:10-31) implies in verse 10, her worth is far above rubies.(from "Walking in Wisdom)


Okay!!!!!!!! I have much room for change here.
When it comes to major purchases, there's a very good chance I wouldn't know a good deal, if my life depended on it. If you are one that has business smarts like that referred to in verse 15 and this one, I must say congratulations.
I pray you are a helpful asset to your husband and not a hurt. On the other hand, if you are in the same crowed as me, we simply need to learn how to handle such transactions and do it properly.
As I said from the beginning. She accomplished all she did in a lifetime. If we don't know it now
we can always learn with the right motivation. Unless we choose to, we don't have to stay
ignorant of some things. We can always learn and learn some more.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Proverbs 31 Lady , Day 5

"She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household,
and a portion to her maidens".
Proverbs 31: 15

She is seen before daylight serving food she has prepared for all her family members as well as her servants. Sensing the needs of her family, she sacrifices sleep to satisfy them. No hour is too late or too early or too late for her to engage in household duties that create a warm and health atmosphere in which to bring up her children. Her example is a source of inspiration for her children to follow. (from the Proverbs commentary, "Walking in Wisdom")

My Own Words
Now I deserve a pat on the back for this one. Most days, I am up around 4:30 or 5:a.m. each morning getting started on my day. Reading my Bible, praying, making my to do list, etc.
About ten years ago was when I began to take notice of the Lady and was informed she was
the example Christian ladies were to follow. For me at the time, I did get up after the sun was up, and then the Lord brought it to my attention how getting up earlier, would help my routine of getting things accomplished as I needed to. In others words, it added "more hours to my day",
for anyone who has ever heard Emily Barnes. Now on the other hand with sacrificing sleep to satisfy my family, I usually don't do well with this. I usually take a nap during the day, and then I go to bed about 9 or 10 p.m. I am not one who normally functions well on little sleep like some
people I know. It's just like that naturally high energy thing. I just really wander how or why it happens for some and not others. Sometimes I could really use knowing their secrets, although
the ones I've asked claim to not know why they are as energetic as they are. Like that really helps me a lot. Once again, all I know to do is give it to the Lord. If He thinks I should be able to do more on less fuel, I pray He will take of that for me. Now I will say, I am usually pretty good when it comes to staying up with a sick child. God does help me in these times. Otherwise, I pray He will give me peace with my self as I am.
If you are doing well in this area, then praise the Lord. If you need help, then take it to the Lord and let Him do the rest.
Have A Blessed Day.

The Central Baptist Church Kids Choir

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

Introducing Our CBC
Kids Choir

Our fourth born is third from right.
He loves to sing and it shows.

We, their parents, are proud
of them.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Proverbs 31 Woman, Day 4

Friday, April 23, 2010

"She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar".
Proverbs 31:14

'Not only does the virtuous woman manage the affairs of her household, she keeps her eyes open for any business deal that will profit her family. As those who deal in merchandise, she like the merchants who travel in ships, brings food from fertile places. She spares neither energy nor money to provide the very best for those who call her wife or mother'. ("Walking in Wisdom")

My Own Comments

Not only does she manage running her home well, but she is also capable of recognizing and taking advantage of a good business deal that will benefit her family. This is one of my weak areas. I know nothing about business deals and for the time being, I have no motivation to learn
about it. My husband has been and does take care of any and all business decisions. I don't even help in this area and so far I believe we are both just fine with this arrangement.
However, if you are one that is capable of properly making such decisions to where your family does profit, that is wonderful. "IF", and this is a big "IF", you are the kind of woman in which verses 11-12 speaks of, the kind that can be trusted in all ways, I'm sure your husband should find you to be a great asset to his life and your family. Now I'm not talking about a domineering wife who pretty much controls all the money, regardless of her husbands thoughts and preferences. I'm not talking about a woman who has no respect for his desires and considers him someone of lower intelligence than herself. That is a whole other thing with what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about those ladies who are in a marriage in which you both have mutual respect for each others wants and desire(which is how it should be). If you are like me and this is a weakness for you, don't be discouraged. This is one of the many character traits we can give to the Lord.
Let's ask Him to please send us encouragement to better our business wise skills if this is something that would make us a better help meet to our husbands. If put in the right situation,
we may handle this better than we think, and we would make our husbands/children right proud of us. If this is the case, let's ask the Lord to give us peace with this issue. Either way, let's take it to the Lord and let Him take it from there.
Have a blessed day,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Prov. 31 Woman Day 3

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

"She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands".
Proverbs 31:13

'The virtuous woman is not only morally pure but industrious and hardworking. With her own hands, she provides things necessary for the home and family. Her priority is to fill her domestic responsibilities. With a warm spirit and working hands, she labors productively'. (from "Walking in Wisdom")

I know. For those of you who are keeping up with these Proverb verses you are already feeling overwhelmed with all the lady does. Well, we are going to have to slow down, calm down,
regroup, and make sure we are buckled up, because we are really only just beginning. It is to early to already allow our selves to be defeated. we must pick up our feet, pick up our chin, and look at this verse 13. Let's look at the meaning of our word(from our comments "Walking in Wisdom),
"industrious"-working diligently: hard-working, conscientious, and energetic. I have been working on this Proverbs 31 Lady thing for almost 22 years old, and I still don't have this one down. I am almost 42 years old and there are 80 year old's that can work circles around me. I have never been a high energy person and I have often wondered what makes you one if you are one. I honestly need to know their secrets and what I'm doing wrong.
Now let's look at the words "
worketh willingly with her hands". I agree with commentator on this. She works and does this in her home for and is productive in her work. She does it with a glad and willing heart and does not feel she needs more out side her home to be happy. Her family and her home are her priority.
This I have no problem with. My heart has always been in the home with my family. I have and get total satisfaction with my home and family. I know some women do not get this at all. Some say they must have an out. Much could be said here. I can hear the Women's Lib yelling now.
They will have to yell. I feel completely liberated and at peace with who I am and what I do.
If you are one who feels you have no choice but to work outside the home, I encourage you to seek the Lord on this. He knows your heart, and He has been know to perform miracles if they were necessary for those who have faith and believe.
May God bless those who are at home and enjoy it, those who are not and wish to be, and may God especially bless those who should be, could be, and yet do not want to be.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Proverbs 31 Woman, Cont

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

" The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life".

'Faithful to her husband, she gives him no reason not to trust her. She proves her fidelity and faithfulness to him in deeds as well as words. Because she is a good keeper at home, he need not go abroad to take spoil from the others. Her love and companionship enrich his life and give him cause to be happy. She honors and serves him to the point that he need not be concerned that she will do anything contrary to his wished. All the days of her life she will be devoted to him,keeping the vowels of marriage. She will do him good and not evil. He can confidently go about his task, knowing that she is his trusted help meet'.
From the commentary, "Walking in Wisdom"

My Own Comments
I know these verses do not set well with a whole lot of women. But, it is God's Word, and if
when we live by His word with a right attitude, it is a blessed life. Don't knock it til you've tried it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More On This Proverbs 31 Woman

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

I would like to begin sharing with you today, and will continue to do so for the next several days(good Lord willin), a commentary I have on Proverbs 31:10-31, a.k.a. "The Proverbs 31 Lady"
It is from a book I have mentioned before, 'Walking in Wisdom".

" Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies. "
Proverbs 31:10

The virtuous or morally excellent woman, wife and mother is "from the Lord". Described as
"a good thing," she brings good favor to the man who marries her. A "crown" to her husband,
she never brings shame to him.
She is a rare treasure, not easily found; her worth is above that of choice rubies.
She teaches her children to abstain from immorality- to abstain from alcohol: and to support
the poor.

My own comments.
Since getting married almost twenty-two years ago, and now a mother of five, I have been very challenged by this lady. Believe me, there have been a few times I have wanted to give up on
trying to be her. I am not any kind of superwoman and don't see any signs of becoming one anytime soon. "So why should I or any woman even try?" you may ask. I'll say for this one reason at least. In all my attempts to become a Proverbs 31 Lady, God has so blessed me and my life. He doesn't want me to be perfect, He just wants me to try. I can assure you I have many who will laugh at me for this or that, but I know it only matters what God thinks of me, know one else. I can assure you, since this Proverbs Lady was human, she was not perfect. God only had her included in the Bible to give us ladies some guidelines as to what He expects of us. I say if we are even slightly interested in what God wants from us as Christian women, wives, and or mothers, we should at least give this passage of scripture a chance to work in our life.
God knows our hearts and I know if our hearts are in at least our efforts, we cannot fail.

May God Bless,

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Value of a Virtuous Woman

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies".
Proverbs 31:10

In the day this was written in the book of Proverbs, the ruby was considered the most valuable gem, to man.
With this in mind, I want to look at the word..... virtuous- the meaning.........
1.with moral
integrity: having or showing moral goodness or righteousness
2. chaste: not having sexual intercourse with anyone except a partner in
marriage, especially a husband.
Now let's look at the word, "respect"-state of being admired.
For anyone interested, I did not get this meaning from any particular Christian dictionary. This was from the dictionary from my computer. As far as I'm concerned, when we look at the meaning of these words "virtuous" and "respect", they obviously go hand in hand. When a woman lives a virtuous life, she can't help but gain respect. I am sure there are many women who may be shouting at me now, in anger. However, I will say, I will have nothing to apologize for when I am through.
My husband and I have been blessed with five healthy children. Four boys and one girl. With the Lords help, we are doing our best to teach our sons to respect our daughter, their sister, and we are teaching our daughter to respect our sons, her brothers. Since we were married almost 22
yrs ago, my husband has always done his best to treat me with respect and I with him(Ephesians 5:25, Titus 2:4). We know the world is not going to teach our kids that God meant for husbands and wives to love and respect each other, therefore mom and dad must be living examples of this. We know if our sons are to grow up respecting women, it will be of great help if they see their dad treating me their mom, with respect. And therefore we expect the same in the treatment of their sister. We furthermore know if our daughter is to understand how she is to treat a future husband, I as her mother, must show her dad respect, and we expect the same of her in showing respect to her dad and brothers.
Now I know there are a lot of men out there who do not act in a way that deserves respect and the same can be said about many women. To this I simply say, to end this vicious cycle, we must
stop where we are, and focus on our own hearts. We must ask the Lord to help us act in a way that deserves respect and find it in our hearts to show others respect even if when they do not deserve it. I know for a fact this can be hard, but I also know that sometimes, if we began showing someone respect, it can produce action in that person that deserves respect.
Much, much more could be said here and with many of our post geared toward Mothers day, I know there will be many who will have no interest in what I have to say. Because of the very
poor treatment(unrighteous living), and this is sometimes putting it mildly, of men with women, there is a lot of bitterness in the hearts of women toward men. This has led to more unrighteous living among the female gender. Unfortunately, it has also lead to very negative behavior of a generation in which these used and abused women had much influence, both male and female.
Through Satan's many sources, many people have been hurt mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Many lives have been in turmoil and homes have been destroyed, all because
men and women have lost respect for each other.
If you are one that needs to have the bitterness and hatred replaced by the healing love, peace and joy that only Jesus can provide, I encourage you to seek Him today and ask that He touch you and heal you like no one else can. He is waiting for you with opened arms.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Are We Insecure About (continued)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come."
Proverbs 31:25

'The honor in her soul and the strength in her body give her assurance as she faces an unknown future. Her mental attitude, along with her mental stability, equips her for whatever unseen events may come into her life. Rather than dreading what might happen in time to come, she looks ahead in time to come, she looks with joy and rejoicing. Making good use of today prepares her for the challenge of tomorrow'.

The above words were written( "Walking in Wisdom") as a particular author's(a Christian author) idea of what the Proverb's 31:25 verse means. As I read this interpretation, I felt it hit me hard. I know a lot of women who read this description of the Proverbs 31 Lady can very easily feel overwhelmed when they look at the big picture. She is a lot to measure up to. However, all of this
is what she has accomplished in her entire lifetime, and God does not expect us to be perfect. He
only expects us to do our best in our attitude and actions. This alone can go a long way
when we are trying to master all this so called "Proverbs 31 Superwoman" so many allow themselves to feel inferior to. She is no one we as women should be afraid of.
In fact, for all of those who think we Christian women have a Bible that tells us we are to be ignorant, submissive, disrespected doormats for men to walk on, this verse is just one of many that tells us the exact opposite.
As the verse implies, God expects us to be women of honor- A woman of integrity. A woman of strong moral character or strength, and who adheres to ethical principles. A women who has earned great respect and admiration in ways of righteousness. God expects us to be strong mentally, physically(He wants us to properly take care of our bodies so we are healthy and not weak), and emotionally.
God meant for women to strong and capable so that they might be the proper help meet
for their husbands or future husbands.
I know there may be some who will read this and have no interest in what I am talking about.
That's fine. I am posting this for those who are interested in giving God their insecurities and being the women God wants them to be. I know you are out there and through the Lord, I want to help. I know how miserable our insecurities can make us at times and it is time we got rid of them.
If you are reading this and you happen to be a single mom, God knows you may need extra
special attention from Him and He is no less interested in you than me because of your circumstances. If you sincerely have a heart that genuinely wants to please and serve Him, He knows and can take it from there if you will just give it to Him.
As I said in yesterdays post, I have struggled all my life with insecurities and only by Gods intervention I am only now beginning to see the insecurities leave and the healing begin. For the
first time in my life, I am slowly beginning to feel I am the confident competent help meet to my precious husband I have always wanted to be. With Gods help I am slowly becoming the confident self assured mom I have always wanted to be to my kids. It is not healing that is taking place overnight. It is taking time, but the results in change that I am seeing daily are definitely encouraging and I love that I am slowly becoming the woman God wants me to be.
Ladies, moms, you can too.
There are many areas in my life I have to work on. I know when we have our insecurities, they can effect so many areas of our lives. To this day I have been known to not hold myself together very well in different emergency situations. This means I am of no use to anyone else who may need help. To this day I have not felt capable of making any wise financial decisions, if I should need to. There are other things I am too insecure to do that could make a wonderful difference in my life if I could only get over some of my fears. Yours may be different and of course affect your life differently.
I have much to learn in making more progress, but through much prayer and God's daily guidance I will make it. But please, I encourage you -
In Christ,
To Be Continued

Friday, April 16, 2010

What Are We Insecure About?

Friday, April 16th, 2010

"Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come."
Proverbs 31:25

What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses? As women and as mothers, I know we all have them. Some, more than others, and some to a greater extent than others. I am not using this post to point fingers and or tell anyone to get their act together. Instead I am using this post to be very honest and out front about myself, in hopes of helping other ladies who are in the same boat with me.
This is a difficult post for me to write because I know I am exposing my heart to complete strangers, and some who know me, but have never known the pain I have experienced in my
entire life, all from being very insecure with my self. To know me today, no one would ever know I have been a person of low self esteem and little self confidence.
As I said before, I am daring to open myself to the total strangers who will read this, all because I have only recently had my own eyes open to how Satan has used my fears to hold me back from doing things I could do, and being things I could be. The Lord has shown me how I have allowed the devil to use my insecurities to keep me from growing into the beautiful Christian lady He wants me to be. I know there are many who will read this and whether they will admit it or not, they have or have had the same problem.
Ladies, especially moms- I encourage you today to claim the power of Jesus Christ, and by His guidance, love, and grace you can claim victory over Satan and your insecurities.
But, this can only be done if first, we know Him as our Savior. And then second, it can only happen if we have faith that he can take our fears away.
Once again let me say, men have their insecurities also, but for now I am talking to the mama's or the future mama wanna be's. Raising kids responsibly in todays world is tough enough. But when we are insecure ourselves, it can be difficult to be the self assured confident parent that we need to be when making the many, daily decisions that comes with proper parenting.
I have been a proud mama for 19 years and am now a proud mama of five. I cannot count the times it would have been wonderful to have the confident judgment ability I needed for the countless opportunities for the right discipline, for the right time, for the right child. And this is just the beginning of the many different times being a more self confident mom would have made a difference for me.
I have spent a lifetime second guessing my self and needing confirmation on my actions from one person or another. I have rarely felt comforterable in a leaders position and usually do quite well as a follower. We must be careful here. I want to make it clear, it is not good to have a low opinion of ourselves nor is it good to think our selves superior to others. Can we say the word "humble"? Finding a happy medium is where we need to be. More to come later. Meanwhile,
for those who need to, put forth an effort in saying goodbye to those insecurities.
In Christ,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Step In Our Home Improvements- Completed

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

We have a new beautiful blue tin roof. They started on our house at 7am, yesterday morning, and had most of it done by about 5pm. We(well, those who count anyway)think it looks great. I am now anxious for our next step to be completed. Details later.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Grandma Heavily Believed in Prayer

Monday, April 12th, 2010

From ladies that attended church with my grandma, I have heard them say, "when your grandma prayed, we have no doubt God heard her every word".
With our post, to touch on other subjects, we have strayed from our subject of getting serious with our prayer life and praying for America. So with to days post, I am going back to the subject of prayer.
Mother's Day is coming up and I felt it to be very appropriate to talk about my grandma again and her
prayer life. I know if she were with us today, she would encourage all moms to make sure they are right with the Lord and then make sure you read His word and talk to Him everyday.
I do not wish to take anything from men/dads with either their status with God or how powerful a prayer life they may have(there are some men I would not hesitate to ask their praying for me or someone else). Their day is coming in June and for now I want to focus on moms.
Ladies, we hold a tremendous God given responsibility in our hearts and hands. I believe we have heard "the hand that rocks the cradles rules the world". I'm afraid there is more truth to this than some might want to admit.
For every man that has been elected into office as the President of the United States , including our current one, there has been a women of great influence, be it bad or good, some where in his life from day one. Moms, are we praying for our sons?
For every woman who has married a man holding a position of political leadership or of
spiritual leadership, especially full time, there was a women of great influence, good or bad, somewhere in her life from her first days of life. Moms, are we praying for our daughters that they will be to their husbands, or future husbands, what they should be?
Madalyn Murray O'Hair was a self proclaimed American atheist activist. She is best known for the Murray v. Curlett lawsuit, which led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling ending government sponsored prayer in American public schools.
Then we have Susanna Wesley, a k a the "Mother of Methodism" and was the mother of John Wesley and Charles Wesley, who were both Christian ministers. Both John and Charles contributed in great ways to the cause of Christianity.
Moms, regardless of who we are or our age, we are an influence of some kind on someone.
What kind of influence does our pray life have on those who know us? Could someone feel they could come to us with a need, or do we need to go to a trusted friend for prayer?
Our influence -Is it good or bad?
Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, April 9, 2010

My Grandma....She Was A Woman That Feared The Lord, But Nothing Or Nobody Else

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
2 Tim.1:7

"Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come".
Proverbs 31:25

Our last post was in memory of my grandma. It was the 7th of April and her birthday.
My grandmother was a woman who greatly feared and respected God and God was all she feared. She only had a fourth grade education. She married when she was almost 17 yrs old and had her 13th and last child at 41. Before my grandpa went to Heaven in April of 1990, she and he were married for 62 years.
In all her years of being a wife and mother, and having very little money, she faced many challenges and uncertainties. She even faced death a few times and faced it all with grace, dignity, and without skipping a beat. Needless to say, she really had no insecurities yet she was humble and she wasn't afraid to let you know her strength came from her Savior, Jesus Christ. She was my mentor. In the next post, I will continue to address this subject of women and insecurities. It is more widespread than I realized and I pray with the Lords help I can encourage someone.

In Christ,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Her name was
Elsie Elizabeth Smith Teske.

Today was my grandmas(my moms mom) birthday. The Lord took her home to Heaven 12 yrs. ago this past November at the age of 86. She was 58 yrs old when I came into the world. She was one of my mentors and the one in whose honor we began the publication of our monthly devotions.
I could say much more, but I am going to wait closer to Mother's Day before I post my "Tell All" post.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Country Boy and His Newly Jacked Up Truck

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010



More Easter Pictures

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Rare Occasion

It is rare that we are able to get the whole family together at a time that also good for family pictures. Here we are, the whole family. Have we been blessed with a beautiful family or what?
Okay, so I'm a little prejudice and very proud. Thanks mom for your help with these over due pictures.

If you look close enough, you will notice not everybody has the perfect smile or is even looking at the camera the way they should, when they should. I have been taking pictures for sometime now. How well I have learned it is next to impossible to get seven people looking at the camera like they should, when they should, all at the same time. I say God bless professional photographers who
are successful at taking good family portraits.

Eater Sunday- A Day Blessed With Family and Fun

Our Five Blessings
Easter Sunday 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

We Pray You Had A Wonderful Easter, Full Of Celebration For Our Risen Lord


Sunday, April 3rd, 2010


Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Little Pre-Easter Music

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

We went to a nearby restaurant, "The Bull Pen Steakhouse" to hear my favorite gospel band,
"Eagles Wings", which by the way, they officially have their own website now.
They were great as always. I finally remembered I could use my camera to make a video of them performing. I had my 13 yr old to help me make it. I hope you enjoy it. Excuse the waitress who is walking around in front of the camera. She had a job to do and she was doing it.

A Little Easter Fun

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

We had a little egg dyeing fun yesterday, but I
am just now getting to post this picture. We lost two, but I thought the rest turned out nicely.

Today, my younger boys were invited to the birthday party for a sweet little little boy(we go to church with his dads mom and dad) who was turning two. I thought his cake was so cute I had to get a picture.

It's not a good picture, but as you can see here, I took a picture of him sitting on his daddy's shoulders.
Happy Birthday Bryson

Friday, April 2, 2010

GOOD FRIDAY- Three days until Easter

April 2nd, 2010

Today they crucified our Lord and Satan was thrilled. He considered his problems, with this Jesus of Nazareth, to
be over.
He Had No Idea
What Was Coming!

Just as many people today have no idea what the Lord has planned for them.
If only they would believe He was crucified in their place ,

but three days later.................

Some Signs of Spring

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

I don't have many flowering trees or bushes on our five acres, but, I do have what few I have. I got out yesterday and made these pictures. One is my Yellow Bell. The other is my plum tree. You will have to click on the picture to see the beautiful blooms on it. And then there is
what appears to be just a simple bare tree against the blue sky. This tree is in our back yard not too far from our house.I was sitting on our back deck. I looked up and saw a Cardinal sitting in this tree. It was a red bird sitting in a bare tree(right now it is just a white grayish color) against a blue sky. I thought it made for a pretty picture. I know these pictures are really a little early for some really beautiful blooms, but I guess I was just too impatient to wait. I'm sure someone can agree. I know I also lack the knowledge of how to get the most potential from my camera.
And I could use some photography lessons. Maybe one day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

With the exception of a few words (they are the words in bold print in the post with the American Flag and camouflaged eggs) that were written on it, this is the cover of our April Devotion that just went out. Much, much prayer went into what would be the design on our cover. We knew with this issues focus being the resurrection, we wanted the cover to be very special. We pray the Lord touched many hearts with the cover and devotion itself.