Sunday, February 28, 2010
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47 And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands." 1 Samuel 17:45-47 With "indifference" to sin and to God, being our "giant" we must concur in our lives and America, we know what we are fighting. We also know we "MUST" began by daily entering our prayer closets and seeking Gods spirit and power through prayer. It is our first stone. Now we must remember, once we leave our closets heavily armed with prayer and the power of God, and into the battle with sin and indifference, it will be absolutely necessary, as in Matt. 14, while Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to walk on the water. When he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. We must keep our eyes on Jesus. If we don't, we will began to sink. Satan is roaming about seeking whom he may devour, I Peter 5:8. SO WATCH OUT ! Now for our second stone. As far as I know, to successfully meet a challenge of any kind, it is by having a plan. A part of that plan would be to have small goals which would lead to an ultimate goal. Our first goal will need to be staying faithful to our prayer closet, and once we leave, do our best to keep our eyes on the Lord. Our second goal is to seek opportunities, whether large or small, where we can make a difference for the Lord. We are going to feel defeated in we quickly jump out thinking we are going to convert the whole world. If this is your attitude, I congratulate you on a positive attitude, but, we must be realistic. The scripture does not say that a nation to be blessed must have every person converted, Psalms 33:12. It does not even say that a majority of the nation must be born-again Christians. It says, 'Blessed is the nation who recognizes the Lord God as their God. Not everyone will hold to the moral standards we as Christians should have. Our prayer and ultimate goal will be for America as a whole to claim the Lord God of our Bible , as the God of our nation. We simply want our nation and government, as a whole to at least acknowledge, once again, the Christian foundation this nation was born from. As Christians we want to at least earn the respect back our God deserves, for those who want our country to be a nation of God-fearing people again, and therefore a blessed nation. This giant of complacency with sin is not our average giant. It is huge and if we do not prayerfully pace ourselves as we fight in each battle, we can be easily discouraged and want to quite. This is one reason I highly encourage a "daily" visit to our prayer closet. Considering where are country is morally, I know this giant we are up against seems overwhelming without question. I do not deny this. But, this is how Satan wants us to feel. He wants us to feel defeated. He wants us to forget the power of prayer we can claim through God, for our side. As long as I am able, it ain't gonna happen on my watch. I love my family, this nation, and my Lord too much to give up. And with the Lord to encourage and strengthen me, I will continue to encourage those who want to join me in this war against sin and indifference. Let's remember verse 27 above. Our battle is the Lords and we can claim victory in His name. May God bless those who begin their march, full speed in their hearts, to reclaim America in the name of the Lord. In Christ, Stephanie | |||