Monday, February 8th, 2010
" If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." John 15:7
As you may have seen and read in prior post, Joseph and I have chose to start this blog in prayerful hope that the Lord will use it to encourage all who log on, to be encouraged as Christian Americans. We pray as a result, a love for God and our nations Christian foundation, on which she was built, will be revived and renewed in each of our hearts.
The Lord has been speaking to my heart on prayer. I believe it is obvious to most, there is a definite connection between the two. 2 Chronicles 7:14, is proof of this. To paraphrase,
it says, "if my people shall humble themselves and "PRAY", seek my face, and repent, I will forgive and heal their land".
I believe first, our focus must be on praying. Not just any kind of praying. I'm talking about the kind of praying that comes from the bottom of our hearts, with every ounce of our being, probably more than five minutes long, and that will shake
the doors of Heaven. Folks, we have got to get serious with this, and I mean now, if we expect to get God's attention.
So where do we start? Look at the verse for our devotion. Are we walking with the Lord as we should? We can pray all we want, but we really can't expect God to bless us if we are not obeying Him. Further more, if we have a huge beam in our own eye, we are in no position to pray
for the smaller beam in our fellow Christians eye. If we know we have obstacles of disobedience in our lives, until we remove them, we can not even begin to be more serious with our prayer life. This will furthermore hinder any prayers for our own family, let alone our nation.
I encourage us to examine our hearts and lives for where we have let the Lord down. If we are
unsure, ask the Lord to show us where we may have done wrong. He greatly desires to be
closer to us, but we must want to be closer to Him. I encourage you to seek the Lord with me for a more passionate prayer life. I know if we ask Him, He will give it. It could mean amazing
changes for ourselves as individuals, our families, and our country.
In Christ,
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