Friday, February 19, 2010
Now, back to collecting our stones.
As I have said in past blogs, I believe our first two stones will be, 'being faithful to our prayer closets entering into our Father's presence with earnest hearts and prayers in some serious prayer time'. I believe our second stone will be to 'set small goals for our selves and/or our lives to help us in achieving our large goal of taking down down our giant of sin and indifference to it'.
As for the rest of our stones, I believe they will be different for each of us. We are different people, created in His image, and as we seek His will, and His mission(our goals) for taking down our giant, we will find our stones are different.
The best way to find these will be to remain faithful to our prayer closets. Since so much depends on our time with the Lord in serious prayer, we now focus on 'Intersession'.
With the daily post of this blog, we have encouraged those who read it, to join us in declaring war on sin and America's indifference(our giant)to it. We believe without hesitation, great prayer with great faith in a great God, from humble believing Christians is what it is going to take to take down our giant, and nothing less.
First, let's look at the word "intercede", which is what we are doing when we are in "intercession" with God. To understand the meaning of these words will go a loooooooooong way in reaching our goals with praying. To "intercede"-act between parties with a view to reconciling differences;
"intersession"-a most precious and treasured time granted only by God, to a believer when he/she humbly approaches the Holy presence of our Heavenly Father, with the intentions of "interceding" on behalf of someone who needs to be reconciled with our Heavenly Father.
As I have been doing a little study on this word "intersession", one meaning I have has proved to be quite interesting. It has no spiritual connection, but, once I began praying about it, I found
what I thought was a big connection as far as what our focus is for our subject for our blog.
The interesting definition: a time or break between normal routines to focus on a special project. This definition fits perfect for our idea of what we are trying to do.
When we have intercession with the Lord, we will want to treat it as most special, precious, and intimate time. We should consider it something of great worth and value. It is not something we should fear. And I am not talking about any kind of 'out of the body experience' or any kind of new age thing. What I'm talking about is just a good old fashion quiet peaceful time in which we seek the Lord, and as a result, we can strongly feel His sweet peaceful spirit and presence, and know He is with us. It is an occasion each one must experience for themselves before they can really understand it.
Furthermore, as we go out into the world each day, we will run into all kind of evils from the devil. He will be throwing all kinds of things at us, trying to destroy our testimony and discouraging us all he can with our fight. This is why a "DAILY" time in our prayer closet and
a "DAILY" time of "INTERSESSION" with the Lord, will be of great need. As we take on this new approach in taking down our giant(America's indifference to sin), I encourage you to make this daily intercession with the Lord a priority. It will be worth your time and effort. You will never
look at your prayer time with the Lord the same again.
Let us give some thought to this prayer:
"Our gracious Father, hear our prayer and teach Your church, and each of us, what is the glory, what is the blessing, what is the all prevailing power of intercession. Give us, we pray, the vision of what intersession means to you, as necessary for carrying out your purpose , for our lives, our families and our nation. Teach us what it means for ourselves as believers in Christ only, to be granted this most precious time of intercession with you. Encourage us with what it could mean for the future of our churches, and those who are lost and going to Hell. In Jesus' name, Amen"
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