Tuesday, February 9th, 2010
"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly".
Matt. 6:6
Up til now, I've considered myself to have a faithful prayer life. Early, every morning, before the sun is up and anyone in my house is up and about, it is my time for reading my Bible and praying. ( The picture with this blog is not my place to pray and read my bible, but, to me it is inviting. I realize it may look a little too feminine for some of our readers depending on who you are)
When I begin praying, I start by praying for myself. I have much room for improvement so I begin talking with God about areas in my life I sometimes feel are hopeless for me to change. Instead of worrying about these areas, I give them to the Lord and progress on in prayer. I then begin to pray for my family, my church family, and then others. I try to always lift our nation up to Him as she desperately needs His healing touch. I try to always be careful to thank Him for my prayers He has answered and is going to answer. Of course there is much more I could mention, but, you get the idea. I always feel His presence with me, and I know He is listening.
But, I am beginning to sense Him speaking to my heart about this. For those who are ready
to get down to business and get God's attention for our nation...........
I personally feel, I am no one of significance. Only a small crowd of people know I exist. I have never boarded an airplane to fly anywhere. I only occasionally leave my county
(to go to a neighboring county) for different purposes, and I rarely leave my state. Because we home school, I occasionally have reason to talk to others in different states. But that is the extent of it. I get very nervous(I'm getting better) when speaking in front of a crowd. Most of the time,
when I have peoples attention, I don't know how to handle it and often feel ridiculous.
So what makes me think I, as a Christian, can make a difference among so many in a nation, who want to deny there is a one true living God. I have one answer.
Furthermore, I believe where my Bible says, in 2 Chronicles 7:14, "if we will humble ourselves and pray, He will heal our land", and Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through Christ which strentheneth me" and Matt. 19:26 & Mark 10:27 that state- "with God all things are possible"
and last, Matt. 17:20, Jesus said, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. " With God on our side, we can't lose. Satan may want us to feel any efforts are in vain, but, its only because with God's help, we are and can make a difference and he wants to stop us. We must put on the "whole armor of God"(Eph. 6:10-19) and declare war on Satan.
I do not claim to know everything as far as what we must do, and how we must do it. In fact it would be quite the opposite. But, as Christians, I believe if we ban together, set a goal, seek God for courage and confidence, take a first step in faith, little by little, we can make a difference.
Regardless of who we are or who we are not and what we know or don't know, we will all have
different roles and therefore do different jobs. Remember, He doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Each of us must simply be willing to say, "here I'm I Lord, what do you want me to do?"
Do you have a place you can call your prayer closet? A place you can talk to the Lord one on one with little to no interruption? I encourage you to be sure to have one, and begin taking on a whole new approach, attitude, state of heart and mind, as we enter into our prayer closets and into His Holy presence. Let us mean "new" business with God as we seek His will for our lives.
We are little David against Goliath. We must pick up our sling and ask the Lord to begin giving us some very special stones.
In Christ,
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