Thursday, February 25, 2010
"Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual(unceasing) fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. " James 5:16
God's intense longing to bless us seems in some way to be limited by His hearing our prayers.
He seeks to rouse in us the spirit of prayer, that He may be able to bestow His blessings on us.
God regards prayer as the highest expression of His children's readiness to receive and to yield themselves to the work of His Holy Spirit.
Christians to need to recognize prayer as their only power with God- the expectation God will hear our prayer. It is only as we (God's children) begin to see what prayer means in regard to God's kingdom, that we realize how solemn our responsibility really is.
Each of us as believers must be lead to see that God waits for us to take our part. We must pray day and night, Christian prayer warriors pleading with God for the power of His Holy Spirit
be sent down into the hearts of men. Oh that god might burn into our hearts this one wonderful
thought; Prayer in its power is according to His will and is not only effectual, but our way of talking with God.
Heavenly Father teach us to pray. Help us not to be slack in talking with you, pouring out our heart for our nation and for the lost people, and for the lost people we come in contact with daily, for our churches and other Christians. Lord intercede in our lives that we may all be found serving you the way we should. Help us to pray without ceasing.
In Jesus name we do pray,
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