Friday February 5th, 2010
"The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork."
Psalm 19:2
Even the Heaven and earth show Gods handiwork. Most of us know there are many who do not believe God made the Heavens and the earth. There are other ideas others have come up with. So, as for the nonbelievers, all they do is pick one. Anything to dismiss the idea of God existing and speaking all creation into existence.
All anyone has to do, who is just slightly interested in seeing evidence that our creator God does exist, is........................ Just look around.
There is hard, legitimate evidence everywhere. There is the beautiful blue sky, the rich green grass, the calming flow of water in a babbling brook. There is the beautiful new song of birds as they give new life in tress dressed in healthy new green leaves in Spring. There is the vibrant foliage on the trees ready to shed in Autumn, before taking time to rest in winter.
There is the breathtaking majesty of the mountains covered in a blanket of soft glittering snow.
There is the precious innocent eyes a loving mother sees as she holds her little one close and softly sings to him or her. The breath we take each morning as we get up to start a new day, the air is there only because our creator God chose for it to be there. There is the awesome designs we can see(assuming we are at a safe distance) on a hot summer day when God put on a lightning show as a storm moves through. And there is the ammaaaayyyyyyzing rainbow we can sometimes see after a nice rain shower. There is soooooooo much to mention. The proof of a creator God is everywhere "IF" we only "WANT" to see it.
In Christ,
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