Thursday, February, 25, 2010
Our chickens have finally got their badly needed room. We thought we had two roosters and six hens, but in the process of moving them, we discovered we have five roosters and three hens.
This would explain why we've heard so much crowing 24/7, lol. I have so much to learn about this farm life goal we are sllllllllllowly going for.
We have some changes to make to have a proper rooster/hen ratio.
The boys, Matt and Josh, are building us a small deck to go at our back door. We have been in great need of something like this for some time. As I said it is a "small" deck, but considering we had nothing but a set of steps for a looooooooooong time(and we could not always trust how strong they were), even a small deck is appreciated. They took care of the chickens and put the deck
together for me and their dad. I think they did great. I'm so proud of them.
I'm proud of all of you.