"And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain [was] full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." 2 Kings 6:17,20
Elisha Prayed and God answered his prayer. God opened his servants eyes and he could see the mountains full of chariots of fire and horseman about Elisha.
God had sent His Heavenly Host to protect His servant, Elisha and give Him the Victory.
A second time Elisha prayed and God smote the Syrian army with blindness. God allowed
Elisha to lead them into Samaria where He gave them food and water. Then he prayed that their eyes would be opened. The Syrian Army found themselves hopeless prisoners in the hand of their enemy. Elisha sent them away unharmed.
We wish to use these prayers to show us the spirit filled life. First we need to pray and ask God for our eyes to see the wonderful provision He has made for His church though His Holy Spirit. All of the power of God is at our use in His service. Most times, the children of God hardly use the power of the Holy Spirit, on the them, with them, and in them for their own spiritual life. Nor do they use His power as their strength, to joyfully see and witness God and His work in their lives.
But we also need to pray the second prayer, that God will open the eyes of our nation, that we might see our great sin of unbelief, and the great power it has on our nation, and even some of our churches. It makes us weak and feeble and unable to do our work of winning souls for Christ and building up believers for a life of holiness and fruitfulness.
Let us pray especially, that God will open all eyes to see the great need of His church to pray for intersession that brings down His blessings and the power of the Holy Spirit upon the lives of His church and believers everywhere.
Let us keep this prayer in mind.
Our Father, give us your Holy Spirit in power and hear our humble prayer. Open our eyes and cleanse our hearts we pray. Help us to realize the low estate of your church and people and the power and grace you are willing to bestow on us in answer to the fervent prayer of your people and your church.
In the precious name of Jesus,
May the Lord open our eyes to the nations spiritual beauty, waiting to be uncapped.
In Christ,
To me this picture certainly reflects a serene peaceful mood. Very nice.